Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Ducks on the sidewalk
Bruce the bunny in my yard
happy Earth Day kids

Go out and do something good, or at least take a minute to appreciate a tree.

Friday, April 17, 2009


a warm Friday night
Drinking alone at mickeys
its a poets life


Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In Memorium #1

for defending our
Intellectual freedom
Thank you Judith Kurg

We lost a soldier and a rockstar.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

sleeping potion

The sound of the rain
Mixing with cars passing by
brings a quiet warmth

Goodnight my sweets.


I know I'm alive
The chill breeze against my shin
Lets me know as much

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

5:45 wednesday

Walking home from work
a six pack of Schlitz in hand,
chill wind in my face

On the way home I was dropped off at Jenny St. Market and I picked up some groceries and a 6er of Shlitz (Don't knock it until you've tried the new...old...formula) I had a wonderful walk home. The sun was bright and the wind was cold, just as I like it.

all apologies to Murder by Death

Running hard and fast,
The rain on the roof sounds like
All the slaughterd lambs

I have to rip shit off every now and then. Check out Murder by Death if you haven't already


Vote yes on Garver
it doesn't cost anything
it may save your life

Truth be told, I really can't see how it would save your life but vote yes anyway.

check out my friends post about it too.