Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's that time again
My New Year Resolutions
eat right and get fit

Hey guys, same resolutions as always eat better and get in better shape. I've actually been very slowly getting better on both fronts. I'm also resolving to be better with money, save more and give more to charity. help keep me in line.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sometimes I feel that
no matter how hard I try
I cant get ahead

Mabye I'll buy a dishwasher some day.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Timeless Story

On a frigid night
a bottle and my woman
are keeping me warm

On nights like this the only thing I love more than the weather is the fact that I have someplace to go to get out of it. Homelessness is a problem that doesn’t get nearly enough attention here in Madison or in this entire country for that matter. Things are tight around the entire country right now, but there is probably somebody out there who is in a tighter spot than you are and could use your help. Please give a little to help out one of your local shelters this winter. Sorry to get all preachy. Have a good night and stay warm guys and girls.